Coding with ziffect

The ziffect takes the idea of TypeDispatchers as a core part of the design. Similar to zope interfaces, you start coding with ziffect by specifying an interface that you will implement. It also builds upon pyrsistent PClass s, and thus adds type-checking at intent creation time.

from uuid import UUID
from six import text_type
import ziffect

class DBInterface(object):

  def get(doc_id=ziffect.argument(type=UUID),
          rev=ziffect.argument(type=int, default=LATEST)):

  def update(doc_id=ziffect.argument(type=UUID),

This specifies the interface to the DB that we intend to implement. So when we write performers, we just write a class that implements the interface:

class ZiffectDB(object):
  def __init__(self, db):
    :param db: The underlying db to make calls to.
    self.db = db

  def get(self, doc_id, rev):
    return self.db.get(doc_id, rev)

  def update(self, doc_id, rev, doc):
    rev += 1
    return self.db.put(doc_id, rev, doc)

Note that this bit of code is supposed to encompass both the TypeDispatcher as well as the performers from earlier.

Then when we go to actually implement our function, we need to be able to create effects representing the methods on our interface. To do that we use ziffect.effects. When you pass ziffect.effects a ziffect interface it returns an object that has all the same methods as the interface and generates effects representing the intent of having those methods called on some other implementation:

from import do

def execute_function(doc_id, pure_function):
  db_effects = ziffect.effects(DBInterface)
  result = yield db_effects.get(doc_id=doc_id)
  new_doc = pure_function(result.doc)
  yield db_effects.update(doc_id=doc_id,

Again we need a nice little wrapper if we are going to attempt to use this tool interactively. Note that ziffect also can create dispatchers for you. The ziffect dispatcher is created using ziffect.dispatcher. It takes a dict that maps ziffect interfaces to objects that provide that interface. This is effectively choosing the implementation of the interface that will be used to perform effects created from ziffect.effects -style effect generators.

from effect import (
  sync_perform, ComposedDispatcher, base_dispatcher

def sync_execute_function(db, doc_id, function):
  dispatcher = ComposedDispatcher([
      DBInterface: ZiffectDB(db)
      doc_id, function

Running the same interactive test that we ran on our effect implementation:

>>> db = DB()
>>> doc_id = uuid4()
>>> doc = {"cat": "mouse", "count": 10}
>>> db.put(doc_id, 0, doc)
DB Response<OK rev=0>

>>> def increment(doc_id):
...     return sync_execute_function(
...        db,
...        doc_id,
...        lambda x: dict(x, count=x.get('count', 0) + 1)
...     )

>>> increment(doc_id)
>>> db.get(doc_id)
DB Response<OK rev=1 {"cat": "mouse", "count": 11}>

>>> increment(doc_id)
>>> db.get(doc_id)
DB Response<OK rev=2 {"cat": "mouse", "count": 12}>

>>> increment(doc_id)
>>> db.get(doc_id)
DB Response<OK rev=3 {"cat": "mouse", "count": 13}>

Again the happy case works right out of the box. Once again we’ll continue with test-driven development. For starters, I’ll demonstrate directly how we can use the same tools we used when testing effect to test with ziffect .

from effect.testing import perform_sequence

class DBExecuteFunctionTests(TestCase):

  def test_happy_case(self):
    db_intents = ziffect.intents(DBInterface)
    doc_id = uuid4()
    doc_1 = {"test": "doc", "a": 1}
    doc_1_u = {"test": "doc", "a": 2}
    seq = [
       lambda _: DBResponse(status=DBStatus.OK, rev=0, doc=doc_1)),

       lambda _: DBResponse(status=DBStatus.OK)),
    perform_sequence(seq, execute_function(
        doc_id, lambda x: dict(x, a=x.get("a", 0) + 1)

  def test_sad_case(self):
    db_intents = ziffect.intents(DBInterface)
    doc_id = uuid4()
    doc_1 = {"test": "doc", "a": 1}
    doc_1_u = {"test": "doc", "a": 2}
    doc_2 = {"test": "doc2", "a": 5}
    doc_2_u = {"test": "doc2", "a": 6}
    seq = [
        lambda _: DBResponse(status=DBStatus.OK, rev=0, doc=doc_1)),

      (db_intents.update(doc_id=doc_id, rev=0, doc=doc_1_u),
        lambda _: DBResponse(status=DBStatus.CONFLICT)),

        lambda _: DBResponse(status=DBStatus.OK, rev=1, doc=doc_2)),

      (db_intents.update(doc_id=doc_id, rev=1, doc=doc_2_u),
        lambda _: DBResponse(status=DBStatus.OK)),
    perform_sequence(seq, execute_function(
        doc_id, lambda x: dict(x, a=x.get("a", 0) + 1)

Now to run the test and fix as needed:

>>> run_test(DBExecuteFunctionTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive-shell>", line 45, in test_sad_case
  File "effect/", line 115, in perform_sequence
    return sync_perform(dispatcher, eff)
  File "effect/", line 463, in consume
    [x[0] for x in self.sequence]))
AssertionError: Not all intents were performed: [_Intent(doc_id=UUID('3a80d1fb-b1b0-35b7-bd12-39ccdbbc9f69'), rev=-1), _Intent(doc={'a': 6, 'test': 'doc2'}, doc_id=UUID('3a80d1fb-b1b0-35b7-bd12-39ccdbbc9f69'), rev=1)]

We have the expected error of not doing a get in the case of receiving a conflict notification.


Obviously the fact that all of those intents are named _Intent is less than desireable. ziffect is a work in progress, and long term I hope to make all of the meta attributes (__name__ and the like) on the auto-generated intents much more usable.

Fixing the error by doing a full implementation:

def execute_function(doc_id, pure_function):
  db_effects = ziffect.effects(DBInterface)
  done = False
  while not done:
    original = yield db_effects.get(doc_id=doc_id)
    new_doc = pure_function(original.doc)
    result = yield db_effects.update(doc_id=doc_id,
    done = (result.status == DBStatus.OK)
>>> run_test(DBExecuteFunctionTests)

Okay, so already we have had a marginally easier time working with ziffect. We did not have to write quite as much boiler plate code defining intents and creating dispatchers, and the intents that ziffect created for us had reasonable __repr__ and __eq__ implementations so we did not have to deal with that ourselves.

For completeness, we’ll continue on with the addition of the NETWORK_ERROR retries as we have done previously.

class NetworkErrorDB(object):
  def get(self, doc_id, rev=LATEST):
    return DBResponse(status=DBStatus.NETWORK_ERROR)

  def put(self, doc_id, rev, doc):
    return DBResponse(status=DBStatus.NETWORK_ERROR)

class DBExecuteNetworkErrorTests(TestCase):

  def test_network_error(self):
    doc_id = uuid4()
    db_intents = ziffect.intents(DBInterface)

    db = InMemoryDB()
    bad_db = NetworkErrorDB()

    good_impl = ZiffectDB(db)
    bad_impl = ZiffectDB(bad_db)

    db.put(doc_id, 0, {"test": "doc", "a": 1})
    doc_1 = {"test": "doc", "a": 1}
    doc_1_u = {"test": "doc", "a": 2}
    seq = [
      (db_intents.get(doc_id=doc_id), bad_impl.get),

      (db_intents.get(doc_id=doc_id), good_impl.get),

      (db_intents.update(doc_id=doc_id, rev=0, doc=doc_1_u),

      (db_intents.update(doc_id=doc_id, rev=0, doc=doc_1_u),
      seq, execute_function(
        doc_id, lambda x: dict(x, a=x.get("a", 0) + 1)


>>> run_test(DBExecuteNetworkErrorTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive-shell>", line 38, in test_network_error
  File "<interactive-shell>", line 294, in perform_sequence_destructed_args
  File "effect/", line 115, in perform_sequence
    return sync_perform(dispatcher, eff)
  File "effect/", line 34, in sync_perform
  File "effect/", line 78, in guard
    return (False, f(*args, **kwargs))
  File "effect/", line 120, in <lambda>
    return val.on(success=lambda r: _do(r, generator, False),
  File "effect/", line 100, in _do
    val = generator.send(result)
  File "<interactive-shell>", line 7, in execute_function
  File "<interactive-shell>", line 38, in <lambda>
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

So we have to actually add the retries on NETWORK_ERROR s:

def execute_function(doc_id, pure_function):
  db_effects = ziffect.effects(DBInterface)
  done = False
  while not done:
    original = None
    while original is None:
      original = yield db_effects.get(doc_id=doc_id)
      if original.status == DBStatus.NETWORK_ERROR:
        original = None
    new_doc = pure_function(original.doc)
    result = None
    while result is None:
      result = yield db_effects.update(doc_id=doc_id,
      if result.status == DBStatus.NETWORK_ERROR:
        result = None
    done = (result.status == DBStatus.OK)

And we’ve completed our implementation:

>>> run_test(DBExecuteNetworkErrorTests)


Hopefully, that example was sufficient to demonstrate the benifits of using ziffect instead of effect directly, although there certainly is some room for criticism:

  1. *Most of the benefits of ziffect come fro using pyrsistent to make

    intents. If you just have a codebase-wide policy of using pyrsistent to make intents, you would not have to add the dependency on ziffect.* This

    is probably true, and it certainly is the case the ziffect has made some decisions in favor of ease-of-use over flexability. Nonetheless, I think ziffect also comes with a model of code that is cleaner and easier to maintain long term. Specifically, sandboxing performers behind interfaces makes it easier to identify which performers concern a specific system of side effects, and provide a clear interface to fake out if you want a fake implementation for testing.

  2. ``ziffect`` peformers do not get a ``dispatcher`` argument, how am I supposed to write performers that dispatch other ``Events``. This is certainly true, ziffect does not allow for as flexible performers because it does not pass the dispatcher in. I’m still trying to figure out how to think about the dispatcher argument, and processing ideas of what the API should look like.

    Sometimes dispatcher feels like dependency injection to me. For instance, if you are writing a performer and you want to ensure that something is logged before and after you do some operation, you might use the dispatcher that is handed in to dispatch some Log events. You just want to ensure the Log intent is handled, but the implementation is determined at runtime by what dispatcher you have.

    Other times, dispatcher is just providing an interface for performers that are schedulers. For instance, you could have an in_parallel intent, which would simply use the dispatcher to dispatch all of the events at once, and then aggregate the events to a single event before concluding the event they are performing. This feels subtly different than the other use of dispatcher to me.

    As I figure out how to reconcile these two uses of dispatcher and determine if they are fundamentally different or effectively the same, I’ll be extending the ziffect API to support these performers.

Future Work

  • Lots of error handling tests. I’d like to add tests for common coding mistakes, and ensure the errors raised are actionable for the programmer.
  • Actual integration with zope.interface, presently the test matcher is a lie, and actually integrating with zope.interface would allow for the creation of proxy implementations.
  • Utilities, like a function that takes a ziffect interface and a provider of that interface, and returns an implementation of that interface that logs before and after that function finishes.
  • txziffect or equivalent.